Favourite Things Friday

With numerous health benefits, healing properties and home remedy qualities my favourite things friday shout out goes to ……. COCONUT OIL !!!

I have recently discovered all the amazing things that coconut oil can do and there is no turning back. Just a few of the things I have been using it for. I have some in my smoothie in the morning. I use it as my lip balm. I put a drop in my bath to really soften my skin. I use it on Hayden as a moisturizer and for any skin ailments. I cook with it. I have put in in my hair as a conditioner. I use it as my under eye cream.

A quick ‘google’ of the benefits of coconut oil could supply you with reading for the week.

Anybody else out there big into coconut oil ?? What do you use it for ??

AnnaFebruary 27, 2012 - 9:19 pm

I hear its great for diaper rash and safe for cloth diapers, and alsothe best for conditioning cast iron cookware.

MeganFebruary 24, 2012 - 9:33 pm

Wow, I’m going to pick some more up next grocery shop thanks to this post! Love the idea of using it on baby’s skin! We have an awesome vegan granola recipe that we usually buy it for, I’ll send it your way if you want!