13 Months

Today is Hayden’s 13th month birthday and guess what ?!! He WALKED !!! Well he took about 4 steps from our coffee table to our couch and holy moly I couldn’t be prouder. He took a few more steps here and there throughout the day and I have a feeling that he is going to be even harder to keep up with mighty soon.

He already gets into EVERYTHING. But now he will be that much faster and harder for mom to keep up with. I am getting exhausted just thinking about it 😉

His favourite things to get into these days are the cat’s food and water dish. The toilets given the opportunity. Anything electrical or that has wires. And cupboards.

Some favourite foods these days are frozen blueberries and peaches (helps with the massive teething!), cheese omelettes, hummus, toast and peanut butter.

Our little boy is growing up and it is so bitter sweet.

Here is a quick snap from our trip to the petting zoo on Easter weekend.

JenelleApril 26, 2012 - 9:24 am

haha, have fun keeping your boy outta trouble! 🙂 very sweet, happy photo of you two!