Travel Snaps Tuesday – More Doors!

After the first posts I did featuring doors in Greece, I had a number of comments and emails asking to see more.  It turns out you guys are just as obsessed with doors as I am!  My neighbour Marilyn, who is one of my newest blog followers, (thank you!) even bought one of the door prints for her home and has inspired me to do the same.  I will be printing this beautiful door for my home, just not quite sure where to put it yet.  Thanks for the idea Marilyn 😉

Hope you enjoy these newest door additions.  I apologize for the number of vertical shots, it takes a bit more scrolling to see them all.

Door 1

Door 2

Door 3

Door 4

Door 5

Door 6

Door 7

Door 8

Door 9

Door 10

JenelleSeptember 24, 2010 - 11:34 am

They are all wall worthy! I love the colors + peeling paint. Neat photos!

juliannaSeptember 22, 2010 - 10:42 am

Oh my – white and blue – my fav ! this is a great collection!